
Website's privacy

This site uses cookies to store user's settings. We also use Google Fonts and jQuery, delivered through Google's CDN, to deliver you the best possible web-experience.

Collected data by app

App and backend still in development! Not for public!!!

The following metrics are collected during your app usage: Your accurate current GPS-location, your device's rotation based on the geo-magnetic field (X-, Y- and Z-axis), your age and name. People you chat with, follow and watch streams from. During your usage, we're analyzing your environment to predict relevant content even before capturing a video or photo. Audio will be captured, and its fingerprint is sent to our servers as long as the camera image is visible to you. We value your and your friend's privacy: If you share your contacts with us, we will only process your contacts' email-addresses on our servers but never save them in our database: we only store their user ID – as long as they also have a Xerinae account.
Your private data will only be processed on our own servers.
Xerinae is using IP geolocation web service. in case no GPS loaction is available.

Usage of the collected data

All your data is stored and processed safely on our servers. Your pseudonymised data will be regularly processed by our AIs to deliver you the best app experience.

3rd parties

The following data will be shared with 3rd parties to ensure the service's security:

• Google: your IP address and user agent. App's crash reports will be sent via Google Analytics to our dashboard.
• Amazon Web Services: your IP address and user agent.
• your IP address (as visible from the public internet).

Inquiry and deletion

At the moment you can't inquire your dataset. To delete all your data, you have to delete your account. All your personal data along to any of your recorded streams and pictures will be erased immediately, but earliest three hours after its creation. Your user behavior metrics will be orphaned and remain upto 90 days in our global database until they will be fully removed. However, none of your data will be accessible for other users during the process of deletion.
To download your personal usage report, login to your account using the android app, open settings and tap 'Generate report'. Your report will be sent to your registered email-address as soon it's available.